Running a business and running a marathon have much in common including both the owner and the runner are in it for the duration. Thus, Des Linden’s “training regimen” leading up to winning the 2018 Boston Marathon offers a Lesson Found for owners.
After ten years of running in Olympic and other major marathons, Linden finished 4th in the 2017 Boston Marathon. Desiring to finally break through to the winning spot, Linden cut short her normal break and quickly returned to training with even greater intensity than before. The result was a total loss of motivation during her next race. Linden was burned out; wondering why she continued this intense effort without ever reaching her desired goal. Her next move: She took time off. An entire month. And then eased her way back into running with a less intense training schedule and shorter races. The goal of kicking back her training was to regain her passion for racing. The result showed in April 2018 when she became the first American woman in 33 years to win the Boston Marathon.
The difference between business owners and marathon runners is that runners know they need breaks to rejuvenate after a big race. As a result, business owners eventually can start to feel burned-out leading to decision fatigue and a loss of passion. This burn-out quickly becomes apparent to staff and customers as well as is infectious reducing motivation throughout the company. One cure is to remember to celebrate victories both individually and with your staff. Equally if not more important is to schedule regular breaks to assess where the company has been and where it is headed. I recommend to my clients taking an annual retreat with partners and/or senior staff to review progress on business plans. In addition, business owners should find at least one trusted advisor such as a business coach and schedule time at least once month to rejuvenate both your perspective and your passion.
What are you doing to maintain your passion and rejuvenate your perspective?
Life brings us lessons every day. Sometimes from expected sources. And sometimes from sources and situations we never would have thought possible. Either way, they are a gift found. I am fortunate to find these types of lessons regularly and wanted to share them with you with this weekly series of “Lessons Found”.
Did you recently receive the gift of a Lesson Found that has helped you with management, marketing or another aspect in business? I would love to hear about it. Comment below or send me an email to let me know.
ORIGINAL ARTWORK: Melissa Miller, Made to Keep