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  • Leading During Stressful Times Leading During Stressful Times

    Leading During Stressful Times

Leading During Stressful Times

The previous Lesson Found highlighted how being empathetic is a fundamental tool of leadership.  How to do that is today’s Lesson Found.

A client asked my advice about an “always” productive team member who lately was barely producing.  His company has been 100% virtual since March but the client only recently started to notice the problem. The client tried talking to the employee but the situation was not changing. (more…)

  • Increasing Morale & Productivity thru Empathy Increasing Morale & Productivity thru Empathy

    Increasing Morale & Productivity thru Empathy

Increasing Morale & Productivity thru Empathy

Could the “problem with millennials” be burnout?  Why CEOs and owners should care is a Lesson Found.

In a her 2019 article, Anne Helen Petersen identifies Millennials as the “Burnout Generation” due to the circumstances of their coming of age.  Petersen, a Millennial herself, makes her case in great detail (more…)